muni won today.
my coworker beat my bike on BART.
what's wrong in the world?

On a side note: this reminds me of a Twilight Zone Episode I just watched called The Passerby. TZ's melodramatic Civil War era ghost story has a twist ending that rivals M. Night Shamanamanmanan's weak attempt to shock in The Sixth Sense. Now I need a rainy day to curl up and watch all of Gone With the Wind in one sitting.
William Hope, founder of the Crew Circle, picked up Spirtualism after "accidentally" capturing the image of a ghost while photographing a friend. He then built up a steady business capturing the WWI deceased. Years later he was caught using glass plates to falsify the materialization of spirits in his photographs- oopsies. The National Media Museum has a great Flickr set of William Hope's spirit photographs. Check it out.
Speaking of Claire Danes... My So Called Life? Speaking of My So Called Life...
Also last night:
Vincent Gallo's Buffalo '66 shined the silver Castro screen in trailer form.
The trailer, so good-- so better than the movie itself.