Monday, September 22, 2008

................... Like Searching for Meaning in a Pauly Shore Movie

I can't believe I forgot how classic Clueless is (forgot as in its been maybe a year since James and I watched it every other day for a month straight). What other movie so accurately depicts growing up as a young girl in the 90s? Cher is the OG Diva-- so on top of it and with such great taste in men. Why is there no Fred Segal in San Francisco?

Alicia Silverstone, also the shit, remember The Crush? That scene... with the tampon and the used condom. So creepy... so good.

She's also a Vegetarian.

Too bad this happened to her.

Anyways- I can't wait for 90s Vintage.

1 comment:

grammatically right said...

well, 'cause if girls did it, what would guys do to impress them?

next time i come visit i think we have a date with cher horowitz.