Saturday, August 9, 2008

Dreaming of Death and Destruction

...(and a few other things)

I've been having a lot of sordid-like nightmares lately revolving around smoke and flame damaged dwellings, be-headings, and obese ex-boyfriends asking for my hand in marriage (yeah, I dunno).

At the same time I've been coming across A LOT of fabulous Pismo-house related images on my computer. Some are REALLY old and REALLY (kind of) embarrassing. They also aren't in chronological order for a symbolic effect. So in honor of things that are slightly related and mostly unrelated-- enjoy this visual ode to "my childhood home":

(note: mug is full of red wine which later ended up on our rug beginning a two year battle of me trying to camouflage it)

(vintage photo- before we had furniture prob. day 3 after move in)

(Penny's favorite spot)

What we had at Pismo House was too epic to live on without us...

(so we burned the mother fucker down)

above and below span '05-'08

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, that fire looked crazy!!! I didnt realize it was so big. I am glad you are all safe <3 that is some scary stuff.